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Monday, October 07, 2013

Friday October 7, 1983 - 30th Year Anniversary

Friday October 7, 1983

30th Year Anniversary

It's not over til the Fat Lady sings. Well, it ain't over and she is not yet singing. That's right friends, we continue to endure and learn from this 30 year old drama. And, today is the 30th anniversary of the Big Event.

Some of my readers of course will not even know what I am talking about. Well, if you were alive three decades ago and were an acquaintance or a friend of mine then you undoubtedly know what I am talking about. In a nutshell, what the Big Event boils down to can be likened to an event occurring on a beautiful sunny day that somehow went dark in an instant - like the sky caved in and the world came to an abrupt end because it was  hit with an out of control fireball from somewhere in space. Things just ended and they would never be the same. 

Thirty years of pain and disruption would begin. Life would be questioned and all of the movement and thoughts and dreams of mankind would be put under the microscope. An interest in philosophy would develop. What could cause such  a revolution or path of inquiry in the mind of an individual you might ask?

The answer of course is a single event on a Friday afternoon on a beautiful, sunny Fall day. Here is the link to the complete and original story if you have never read it:

Undoubtedly,  there are those who have not had their lives transformed by a violent event such as occurred in mine. Others will have an inkling of what I am talking about, while others will know precisely what I am talking about -  it would be the same thing as having your loved one's life snuffed out as a result of a freak traffic accident for example. Perhaps you are the fiance of that now dead woman and you are forced to endure the pain of such an event. My life is somewhat similar to such an occurrence, just to give you an idea. I am sure many others could provide similar, suitable examples. 

You may recall that I wrote on my blog some years ago about a nun and her relationship with Jesus Christ. I have since deleted that post. Nuns marry Jesus you know and are beholding to Him and His ideas. The thing about Jesus and Christianity of course is that we are dealing with a fanciful situation - it is an imaginary love relationship. One just believes in Jesus and God because one wants to; nuns are committed and dedicated religious partners. That is a nun in nutshell of course. And, in many ways I was the same as a nun back in 1983. That's right friends, that is what we are really talking about. This would be the ideal, yet imaginary love affair of all time. But, like the nun who is in love with Jesus and his philosophy I was in love with my relationship as well. It is all very fine - and it is also very one-sided. Nobody is talking back to you and you are doing all of the loving. But, it is as real as anything can be. And, that is why I provide you with the example of the nun and her commitment to her God and husband. 

There is nothing wrong in being in love with a fantasy if it works for you. And, I am suggesting to you that modern Christians and members of other faiths practice a form of imaginary love themselves. It seems to be something that humans do when they care and believe in something deeply. I wouldn't want to be the bearer of bad news for any Christian or Muslim for example - telling them in a forthright manner that their God does not exist. But, the fact is they wouldn't believe you anyway.  It is kind of a built in denial. Good for them I suppose. The cop knocking on the door of a dedicated religious person in the middle of the night to inform someone about the death of his or her god would simply be wasting his time. But, for most of us the thought of the cop banging on the door to tell us about the death of a loved would be enough to turn our lives upside down.  We would know exactly what he was talking about.  Somebody's relationship has come to a horrible ending. The psychological implications of a devastating event would have been set in motion.

I have to tell you friends that there were some bad moments during the last 30 years. The questioning and the churning over of the events in my mind would be repeated over and over again. But, just how much pain does an individual have to endure before he figures the whole thing out - if he manages to figure things out, that is?

I do want to focus on the pain and suffering if I can because this really is a story brought about by psychological disappointment. And, I want to use my nun story as an example,  if I may. And, I further hope that Sister Charlotte ( audio file below ) doesn't mind -  if she is listening.  There is an element of betrayal here that cannot be ignored. I don't think there is any greater pain in life than that suffered as a result of betrayal. A simple twist of fate resulting in great personal loss can be translated into a form of  betrayal by those who want to do so.  But, we know of the real life examples of betrayal as well, as identified in the life of Julius Caesar and Jesus Christ himself.  Jesus of course is a much bigger man than me and could find the ways to forgive. But, then, he was a god and possessed of the greatest of qualities imaginable to man.  To love something and to care for it is a wonderful human capability. But, as you know, sometimes love affairs with humans is one-sided and imaginary. And, all relationships with gods are one-sided things and imaginary. Furthermore, one does tend to forget about the risks when engaging in one sided love affairs as well.  A few years ago I was researching on the net and came across a story about a nun. It was a horrific story of things gone badly wrong for a young woman in a convent. And, as fate would have it,  this same story, but now with an audio file attached, has now surfaced again and is making its rounds on the Internet. When I listen to the Sister's tale below I do tend to think of my own life as it compares to that of the nun who is in love with Jesus: 

Yes, dear friends life can be a challenging experience. And, maybe you really do have to get down to the nuts and bolts of it to see what it is composed of - in order to really appreciate it. Perhaps you have to endure a civil war or some similar event to know just how cruel the human being can be. Think of the young teenager being bullied by his or her peers. That is a real introduction to life in itself and cannot be ignored as a real human tragedy.  Yes, pain and suffering is an integral part of the lives of millions of human beings even today.  Maybe that is where your best philosophy comes from. The really religious types justify their faith as it relates to pain and suffering by saying it is just God's way of teaching.  Really? What school did God go to?  I'm not sure if Sister Charlotte was thinking about an education when she was getting her dose of human reality. But, she did hold her faith in the end. A very strong individual indeed.  An act of betrayal or the experience of serious loss is a sure way to test your faith or come to grips with what the human existence can dole out. And, if you still believe or manage to survive in one piece after any great disappointment then maybe you have got life by the balls after all. 

Have a nice day

Modified modestly on the afternoon of Saturday October 12, 2013

Tuesday, July 09, 2013

9/11 is still the elephant in the room

9/11 is still the elephant in the room

And, here is the proof:

Friends, you really have to gasp in amazement as to how the media and the government have been bamboozling the American public for over ten years now. Anybody who pauses to think about the issue knows that the un-investigated 9/11 event is the thing that governs all that happens in modern day America. 

 It truly does remain the elephant in the room.

 Can't you feel it?  Don't you think about it all of the time? 9/11 and its consequences, I mean. These Middle East wars just didn't happen for no reason. They were even planned before 9/11. So, who is pulling the wool over whose eyes? Think of all of the surveillance cameras and loss of freedoms such as at the airports, etc. that have developed since September 11, 2001.  And, what about these increasing reports of police harassment and the like? No need for this friends. No Sir.  When I watch that CSPAN footage above I realize that there are still Americans who know that something is terribly wrong. They are speaking out and trying to make things right.  The mainstream media has made itself irrelevant by being complicit and that is plain to see.  Is it any wonder that the Alex Joneses of the world have found fertile ground and are capitalizing on it? 

  Let us hope that Americans like the ones speaking in the footage above are able to wake up their sheepy brothers and sisters before it is too late.  In the meantime, the elephant walks - and he knows of the tyranny of the jungle. 

Picture of elephant from Wikemedia Commons

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Sandy Hook: The Great Schism

Sandy Hook: The Great Schism

 An interesting development in the so-called Truth Movement is the rift that has occurred within the movement itself as a result of the Sandy Hook elementary school massacre last December 14 in Newtown, Connecticut. 

Sandy Hook appears to have all of the attributes of a 9/11 event. It should be a conspiracy ' gimme ', yet it has not turned out that way. The incident is rife with unanswered questions and inconsistencies. The simplest of evidentiary requirements are missing. Things like where are the bodies and how come the parents cannot see the remains of their own children?  What do we really know about Adam Lanza and his mother?  Adam, identified by the press is supposed to be a lone gunman who used a rifle to shoot 20 children and six adults - but we are not sure whether or not a rifle was the murder weaponThe head coroner on the scene seems hesitant when answering questions posed by the press. He seems unsure of the facts surrounding the case and is not willing to commit to anything for fear of creating problems down the road. He also states that he hopes that things don't come crashing down on the heads of the families later on. What does he mean and why would he say something like that?

Like 9/11, the Aurora, Colorado Batman killing and other mass murders, the media is right on the case informing us of who the killer is and how things happened. And, there seems to be no deviating from the ' Official Story ' once it has been established,  in spite of reports that others may have had a hand in these types of events, i.e, the possible involvement of co-conspirators.  And, anybody who violates the Official line is labelled a conspiracy theorist or even a nutbar.  And, a new twist in the mix at Sandy Hook is the head of the Connecticut state police informing the public that he will not tolerate disinformation in the case and states that he will prosecute those who foster false information. Well, that is all fine and dandy isn't it if the police are doing their jobs properly and conducting a thorough investigation and leaving no stone unturned to get to the truth. The public expects nothing less.

But, I don't get the impression that is happening at all. And, I come back to the idea of yet another coverup here. And, this is the basis of the possible conspiracy and the rift that has developed among the Truth community. Some have come out swinging and accused the government - and others - of involvement in this massacre. The agenda?  Actually, the agenda does make eminent good sense and it involves gun control and outright confiscation of weapons from citizens. Why would the government  want to do that you ask? Because the U.S. economic and political system in the process of breaking down and civil war is a distinct possibility.  The economy has been mismanaged ( some might even say ravaged ), the nation has unsustainable debt and there is a great divide among the population in terms of wealth and living standards. And, if you listen to people like Alex Jones and others you will have found out that the government ( Department of Homeland Security ) seems to be arming itself for some kind of a take down of the civilian population. And, these seem like reasonable assumptions based on the evidence; FEMA camps and an extraordinary amount of purchases of rounds of ammunition.  And, what adds legs to this hypothesis is that the government did indeed try to initiate a number of measures related to gun control and disarmament of the civilian population. And, this includes the possibility of repealing the 2nd Amendment as well. So, a thinking civilian might be concerned about his future as a U.S. citizen with rights. 

Yet there are those in the Truth Movement who want nothing to do with the idea that there is a conspiracy taking place related to the Sandy Hook massacre. They are satisfied that people were indeed killed and that people are over reacting to the idea of another 9/11 conspiracy in the works.  They think that Truthers are being played for suckers if they take the bait as is being supplied by the media, particularly by the likes of CNN and Anderson Cooper. But, you really have to wonder why CNN would use symbols related to the Illuminati in their presentations. Whose idea was this and how early on was the decision made to employ such tactics?  The Truthers who aren't biting suggest that the media is playing the event to discredit the Truth Movement and the progress that has been made as a result of the 9/11 false flag event. Great strides have been made in this area as millions of Americans and others throughout the world have come to question the Official Story related to 9/11.  And, that is the irony of the whole thing.  9/11 and Sandy Hook just seem to have so much in common, from inconsistencies, to coverup and to motive. As I stated above it really looks like a gimme, except as I am trying to relate to you now, some are not buying into the conspiracy scenario.

A Great Schism has indeed developed as I am suggesting. Now, I personally am not going to go out on a limb and say categorically that this was a government psyop, for example. However, we know now that the FBI is famous for promoting false flags and the like throughout the US with the intent of keeping the game of the War on Terror in full swing ( part of the agenda of 9/11 )  But, Sandy Hook does indeed have similarities to the 9/11 event. On September 11, 2001 war games were being played by the government while an attack was taking place. How does something like that happen and what are the odds?  And, similarly in Newton, Connecticut and surrounding areas an event like the Sandy Hook massacre was taking place at another school. How do these things just manage to happen? And, what are the chances of a real massacre occurring simultaneously?  And, why does the media and the government tell us that the gunman was a twenty year old kid that nobody knows anything  about and how does he do his killing with a ' long gun ' when the evidence suggests otherwise? Other people are arrested outside the school, yet we hear nothing further about these people and their possible involvement in the case. Legislation is enacted prior to the event that restricts the media from having automatic access to the details and photographs of child homocide.  Why just child homocide? Who decided that this should be law and what is the real intent of this legislation? Where are the pictures or videos of hundreds of kids being evacuated from the school, why do they wait until night to remove the children's bodies?  And to repeat, why cannot the parents see the bodies of the children?  What is going on here?  

Now, the conscientious Truther is probably going to take the position that the government is merely trying to provide cover for Big Pharma, and perhaps the Hollywood establishment that inculcates  violence in its products. Remember that Adam Lanza was supposed to be a person afflicted with Asperger syndrome and most likely on drugs. He is described as a loner who played violent video games. So, why enact gun control or restrict the type of weaponry that citizens can own, when clearly, guns are not the only or main issue here? Guns don't kill, people do. Well, you can see the problem right away I am sure.  The government focused on gun control and spent a lot of critical media time trying to do that. They didn't talk about the fact that America is over drugged and they didn't point any serious fingers at Hollywood and the  like - the people who are responsible for displaying media violence. They set their sights on guns and disarmament instead.  And, this is what gives the Sandy Hookers their credibility. And, if I was a Sandy Hooker that is what I would be running with and be damned with the consequences. We know that the government is capable and dangerous and that is all the defence that one really needs in cases like these - as a crime investigator you concentrate on those who do these kinds of deeds for a living.  

 There is indeed a Great Schism going on here, but there are lots of reasons why people should not be divided over the Sandy Hook issue.  The Sandy Hookers have a legitimate case here ( based on history - cover up related to 9/11 and an Official Story that many people question to this very day because the event was never investigated and important evidence was removed from the crime scene - by the government itself  ),  yet one can easily sympathize with the hesitant Truther trying to protect his or her political capital that they have accrued over the last ten years. There is conflict here and it is related to strategy, perception, and objectives. Truthers and Patriots alike need to clarify in their own way what Sandy Hook is really all about. Is it just a run of the mill American mass murder incident or is it something else? What Sandy Hookers and Hooker skeptics alike, should understand however, is that the government and/ or the media is not going to be their ally in this discovery process. And, perhaps this important detail will go a long way in determining which side you may like to consider in this fascinating debate. 


I am sure that many of you have heard of    
Brother Nathanael Kapner. 
Always entertaining, informative and inquisitive here is his take on Sandy Hook:

  What Really Happened at Sandy Hook?


Interesting conversation below beginning at 2:11:45 . Dr. Steve Pieczenik, former Department of State official, author, and publisher ( description from Alex Jones site ) talks about the Sandy Hook incident with Alex Jones. He is calling it a false flag event.

Alex Jones Show - Monday April 1, 2013 


Friday, March 08, 2013

Sandy Hook Conspiracy

Sandy Hook Conspiracy

a little treat for the hardcore
conspiracy advocate 



Original Link Found  here