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Thursday, December 30, 2010

The meaning of 2010...


Friends, this City of ours keeps on surprising me. What a wonderful day it was here in Vancouver. Brilliant sunshine put a smile on everybody's face and that was in spite of the very cool air. The North Shore mountains looked fantastic with their new coat of fresh snow and everywhere I went I just knew that people were enjoying this day as much as I was.
I started out the day buying gas at a Chevron gas station. Chevrons are the best because they are always neat and tidy and the bathrooms are well taken care of as well. They don't give you the bums rush either when you need to do a critical pit stop if you know what I mean.  On this bright and sunny day I got my truck washed in one of their automatic car washes. A female attendant gave me a voucher for a free car wash a couple of days ago and this was the day that I decided to take advantage of her unexpected gift to me.  When I got to the station she asked: " have you done it yet? ".  And, I said " no, but today will be the day. "  She smiled approvingly. And, that is how my day started out. Everything would be pretty and neat and I would feel wonderful all day long as I listened to my tunes and drove about in the December sunshine in my shiny and very clean white truck.

At about 5 PM I was approaching the downtown core area and what a show nature put on for us let me tell you. Words cannot describe the magic that  I saw in front of me, but words will have to suffice because I had no electronic gadgetry on hand to record the drama for you. You cannot beat nature friends when it wants to perform. I am driving into the downtown core via the Granville Street Bridge from the Southside area and the sun is setting and it is causing reflections on the highrises of the urban core. And, these majestic, glass laden pillars are now numerous indeed; they are welcoming you to the core; it is like a beckoning. The sky is darkened, but the buildings and their windows come alive all dressed up in their various shades of greens, blues and twinkling whites.  It is as if the buildings themselves were part of some sort of production; they played their part and they did it brilliantly. Need I say more?

Friends, we simply need to acknowledge that the end of this year is near. 2010 is rapidly coming to a close, only one more day of the year to experience and then it is all over but the shouting so to speak. 2010 was a tremendous year for me in terms of experience; there was meaning and revelations for me on numerous fronts.

We all lived through and loved the Olympics. I cannot even begin to describe for you the emotional joy and pride that us Vancouverites felt when the event was alive. I have never encountered such a thing in my life. It is amazing what thousands of people gathered together in common cause can do in terms of producing that do good human feeling. Never have I been so proud to be born in Vancouver.   It took the Olympics to bring it all into focus for me; I was living in the best damn spot in the world and this event proved that to me.   Check out this Olympics video in the streets of Vancouver:

Robson Street Video

On another front, 2010 also saw the death of a comrade courier. His name was Bill. If you want to read more about him then you can visit the part of my blog called Dear Courier Diary I need to ask Bill's forgiveness for what I am about to do here. Bill and I were friends, well maybe not really close friends, but darn good acquaintances anyway, and he knows about my dream girl since I talked about her just about every chance I could get. After Bill died I went to a small gathering honoring his death. These were his friends that were gathered here. Some of them loved him and others were his friends and work mates such as myself. Some memorabilia was assembled on a table in the building where the honoring took place. On display were the precious moments of Bill's last days as they were enjoyed by him and his loved one. Among the items that were assembled there was a photograph of him and his girlfriend and their most recent trip. Bill and his girlfriend had been to Juneau, Alaska and there was the picture sitting on the table right in front of me to prove it.  I was literally taken aback when I saw that photo. What did it mean -and why now?  Bill never told me that he went there and if he had he would never hear the end of my questions about his trip.... All the best in the Great Beyond Bill and sorry you missed the end of a magical year and today was very magical indeed.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What is compassion?....


What is compassion?....
by Carl Baydala

I want to talk about compassion and its relationship to love. What is love?  Love is a human emotion characterized by a state of well-being. Where does love come from? Love comes from loving something. Why do people love something or fall in love and just what is love? The state of being in love is a product of the complete acceptance of another human being; you love someone for what they are and the effect that they have upon you, simply by knowing them and being near to them; you willingly accept and emotionally desire and want to be with another human being because THEY MAKE YOU HAPPY. Your beloved can do no wrong because you have determined that his or her inherent qualities, be they psychological or physical or both, are capable of arousing a passion within you. You love out of self interest of course because that is the human way. This passion or desire is commonly known as love. Compassion enters the picture when someone in love is capable of recognizing how the state of love comes about; they become knowledgeable and sensitive to the needs of their partners. You know that you are in love, but you also know that your partner needs to be satisfied as well; your partner has needs and desires that need to be addressed; you become compassionate and an understanding lover when you become sensitive to these issues.  Knowing these things indicates a degree of compassion therefore.  Compassion then, is just another way of indicating understanding or allowing for the needs of others, be it with your lover or any anyone that you should encounter in your daily affairs. That is because being compassionate is a transferable skill, once acquired.  If you know true love and how to manage it properly then you should emit compassion in all of your relationships for that is the lesson of love.  But, the point dear friends is that we really never do get away completely from this business of fulfilling our own basic needs. Love is a great thing. And, recipricol love is even better. But, to achieve that desired emotional response from another human being one needs to show compassion. You have to give and you have to mean it and you have to do it honestly.  And, in giving you receive. I think things really are that simple.  
amended ever so slightly on Sunday January 2, 2011 at approximately 6:31 AM

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas Friends....

Merry Christmas Friends....

A Special Christmas Treat For You

Friends, I want to take you back to 1967 just one more time. Take a look at me and some of my classmates from that time period. See link below.

My Classmates and my music in 1967

This post and the ones just below are my Christmas present friends and I hope you all like what you see - and HEAR.  And, for my friends from 1967, there is even a link to all of the grad pictures too.

But, it is the music friends. That is what it is all about if you ask me. What did the sixties do for us?  Why, it gave us the love songs - and the ability to keep on remembering them and what they mean. The system will not break us and we are resolute because of the love songs.  That is what the sixties means if you want my opinion on the matter.

Jackie Wilson

Merry Christmas friends, and once again, thanks for checking in.

PS.  I hope you like my music...and don't forget the damn headphones

Friday, December 24, 2010

Lovey dovey Christmas Eve....


Thank you to all of my friends and acquaintances!

I want to thank everybody who dropped in to my blog to check things out this year. That is a very big deal to me, so don't think I do not care, because I do.

I told you that I was going to get a little sentimental tonight and I hope I do not let anybody down. You know, I was going over my Dear Courier Diary entries from 2009 and I can tell you that I was a very busy little boy. I didn't know that I could say so much, and perhaps, not say anything at all. I really shocked myself when I started going over all of this stuff. There is tons of writing in there. Anyway, tonight's post is especially sentimental in value. It is about love of course and that is what I spend a lot of time on in these parts. I hope everybody understands and is able to accept this part of my personality. If you know me personally then of course you do.  It is the other guys that we have to convince now isn't it?  At any rate,  Carl Baydala is not going to change and what you see is what you get.

So, here is a song by The Vogues which they produced originally in 1968. Here is the video

PS. you really do need earphones to take full advantage of these videos

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Follow that dream....


Friends, here is another song from Dear Courier Diary  and found here
It is an Elvis Presley song actually and it is called " Follow that Dream ".  So, again, you can see how I was feeling about things back in May, 2009.And, don't forget to put your earphones on or you are wasting your time with these videos. I have another older post lined up for tomorrow night as well. And, trust me, it is even more sentimental than this one. So, in the meantime, please enjoy this. It is Christmas time after all, so give me a break.

" Follow that Dream "
Elvis Presley,


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Feeling good at Christmas time....


Friends, I am feeling really great these days. Maybe it is the Christmas thing or maybe it is just thinking about old friends and the wonderful times that we had together.  Now, here is a guy singing an old Drifters ( 1962 ) song.  I think he is doing a fabulous job actually and I believe that many others would think that too. He makes me feel like a million bucks when I listen to his rendition of this song.  I uncovered this song from one of my old  2009 Dear Courier Diary entries. You can see what kind of a mood I was in back then by reading about it  here And here is the video: PS. these videos sound fantastic with headphones on, just to let you know.

The Drifters 1962


Saturday, March 06, 2010

Understanding the Israeli Problem


Solving the World's Problems Series
World Problem Number Two:

Understanding the

Israeli Problem
by Carl Baydala
A continuing problem for the world is the Israeli problem. Israel and its relation with its neighbours in the Middle East commands a lot of our attention. And, the reason for this focus that we give to Israel and its problems lies in the fact that it has not made peace with its neighbours. The seemingly intractable problem of Israeli-Palestinian relations is a problem that has been with us for over sixty years. That means it must be a serious problem that deserves our attention.
Israel presents itself as a western-style democracy operating in a land of, essentially, non-western like political entities. The Israeli State was born in violence and it continues to be embroiled in conflict with its neighbours. We only count the days and the years waiting for the next conflict to erupt. The country is essentially a creation of the British Zionists who decided that they wanted to establish a homeland for the Jews in the land of Palestine. They made a deal with the British Government during World War One that allowed the creation of the State many years later. The problem is of course that you cannot just decide to move somewhere and establish yourself without the consent of the original inhabitants. And, this is the root cause of the current problem; the original inhabitants of the region do not as a group support the idea of the Jewish state in their midst and this fact has been the cause of the numerous wars between Israel and its neighbours.
Israel claims that it wants to make peace with its neighbours. But, is this true? By its actions over the last sixty years does it come across as an honest participant for peace and a long-lasting relationship with its surrounding counterparts? I don't think so. The many battles that it has fought with its neighbours has ended up netting Israel more land. This is a source of ongoing antagonism of course. The 1967 War in particular was very kind to Israel and it continues to occupy land that it took from its Arab neighbours. Israel has a lot of power in the region as a result of its war booty and for other reasons as well. Not only does it enjoy its land gains, but it has support from the Western powers in terms of military and psychological and political support. In the United Nations, for example, you will never see the United States doing something that would cause harm to Israel. So, Israel is well-endowed with many things that its neighbours do not enjoy. Israel is the dominant kid on the block and it is not shy about flogging its power and keeping its foes in line.
This power that we are now commenting upon lies at the root of our understanding of the Israeli problem. Israel may in fact have too much power. It has become an arrogant state and one that is not afraid to engage in war no matter what the cost. Invasions of Lebanon and into other Palestinian enclaves are done when the time suits Israel. It seems not to care much about the effects of war and the death of innocent civilians. According to Israel, it is in the business of defending itself and that is the way that it explains its actions to the world.
But, the time is coming close I think, when Israel is going to have to make a decision about its future. By its actions, it has shown the world that it is not much interested in peace as the rest of the world understands it. Gains from former conflicts do not want to be given up so easily and there is every reason to believe that Israel wants even more land. The destruction of Iraq, for example, is not an isolated incident. Israel gained from that invasion as it removed the thorn of Saddam Hussein from its side. Removing Saddam Hussein eliminated a threat to Israeli hegemony in the region. Israel does in fact want to be the dominant power in the region and I don't think any honest observer is going to think otherwise. You don't maintain the fourth largest military and harbour nuclear weapons for nothing. You must have a motive for doing so. And, I don't think you can keep falling back on the idea of self-defense for explanations for this arsenal. Furthermore, the continuing rhetoric against Iran is nothing more than trying to remove yet another obstacle to Israeli influence throughout the whole Middle East region.
And, closer to home how does Israel treat the Palestinians? Very poorly as you can imagine. They are a segregated group and from all accounts have no future in the region with Israel as overlord; their movements are restricted and they are treated differently than Israelis. They are also the continued victims of settlement after settlement upon their lands. These are illegal activities on the part of the Israeli Regime. Consider also the recent intrusion into Gaza by the Israeli Defense Forces. It was a case of over-kill to say the least. Many innocent civilians were killed just to prove a point. The point that Israel has an over abundance of power relative to its neighbours. We already know that so why to do you need to display the arrogance of power to prove such a point to the world? You might as well be shooting fish in a tank. It has the same kind of effect. The world is not impressed by such measures, but rather the contrary. It only allows the civilized world to question Israeli motives relative to its neighbours. The defense argument simply doesn't hold any water when you are dealing with such an imbalance of power. No matter what the concerns of Israel are re self-defence and the like, no state has the right to literally massacre a civilian population in such violent terms. Perhaps that is why the Goldstone Report was established and brought to light an account of the 2008-2009 War in Gaza and its effects on the civilian population. This Report concluded that there were war crimes committed by both sides, but it did come down harder on Israel, and for obvious reasons.
So, the problem remains. Israel is the dominant power in the region and it has a lot going for it, and in spite of the recent bad press against it, the nation continues on as it always has. It has its allies and it has its military power, which we alluded to above. It still employs the old standbys of anti-Semitism and the Holocaust to try and shut down the debate when that debate is seen as detrimental to its interests. It is not shy about making political and economic mince meat of its enemies should circumstances justify such activity. But, using the Holocaust and anti-Semitism as weapons is becoming less effective by the day in trying to suppress the criticism of its enemies. You cannot keep on making the Palestinians pay for the war crimes of the Nazis in Europe. Yet, Israel still maintains strong support in the United States and in Britain for the vast majority of its actions. It has a strong lobbying group in the U.S. and its still receives billions of dollars in aid every year. It receives things that its neighbours do not and that is part of the problem of Israel. It is favoured whereas its neighbours are criticized, marginalized, and even invaded should the need arise.
And, that must ultimately lead us back to the question as to why Israel is favoured over its neighbours. The U.S. and Britain are not obligated to support Israel, and on the surface, they don't seem to gain much from the support. That support only cost billions of dollars and the soldiers that must be sacrificed in the ongoing Middle East wars. So, why continue to support Israel if there is no logical reason to do so? I mean, it wouldn't take much effort to simply make deals with the Arab states and pay the going rate for their oil. If oil is your objective and reason for being in the Middle East, that is. The United States and Britain surely had no real reason to invade any Arab or Muslim nation before the 9/11 attack. But, it did use the event as justification for intrusion into the Middle East in a more dramatic fashion. The reasons given for the recent invasions are based on the idea that Osama Bin Laden was being harbored by the Afghan leadership and also as a means of combating the new threat of Islamic terrorism. These were marketed as wars of prevention and were supposed to act as a means of protecting the citizens of the United States. So, how does Israel fit in and why are we focused on this nation all of the time, and why does its name come up all of the time when we are discussing these most recent wars in the region?
Well, I think posing the above question might help us to understand the Israeli problem, in hopefully, greater detail. As I stated earlier the state of Israel was made out of a bargain; a bargain between the Zionists and the British Government. This resulted in the famous Balfour Agreement of 1917. The U.S. entered World War One as part of that bargain and Germany was defeated as a result. Prior to that entry Germany was actually winning the war. So, the Zionists kept their part of the bargain by their efforts in bringing in the new blood of the U.S. into the war. The Zionist objective was to gain some land in Palestine as a result of that deal. And, eventually the State of Israel was born in 1948. But, it was not an easy birth as everybody now knows. There was much bloodshed and displacement of Arabs in the process. Throughout all of the violence, however, Israel steadily managed to assert itself and it did survive. As stated earlier, it was born in conflict and continues to live with this conflict; the conflict of being an uninvited guest into the region. The point of the whole thing though is that Israel is just a political creation and no more. The whole Zionist project is essentially a land grab on Arab lands and I don't think it is much more than that. You can think of it as a modern form of colonialism if you like. Religious considerations are not really meaningful either when you are setting up a country on foreign soil without the support of the indigenous population on a large scale. You can have all the alien support you want from fellow Zionists or even so-called Christian Zionists living in America. But, these are meaningless things if the locals do not support what you are trying to do; the locals are going to try and repel you. They are certainly not going to accept you with open, loving arms. So, Israel needs to assert itself and to justify its presence in the region. It asserts itself through periodic wars and with its ongoing propaganda, the thrust of which is to portray itself as victim in the region - victim of the Nazi Holocaust. Victimization is a fine strategy, but it doesn't work very well when the remedy involves the sacrifice of someone ( the Palestinians ) who had nothing whatsoever to do with the crime that caused that victimhood. I, personally do not think Israel is doing a very good job at all and it is failing in its message and is steadily losing whatever support it had for its colonial project. It has created too many enemies in the region and it continues to isolate peoples and even states by its continuous actions. People are turning away from the mainstream media and more people are becoming knowledgable about the Israeli problem.
But, the Zionists and other backers of Israel have a lot of power and I think that is the essential problem here. So, we are essentially dealing with a power problem as I am trying to point out to you. Israel was a creation of Zionists and continues to be supported by those who support the idea of Zionism - and the very idea of Israel being dominant in the region. There is much support from places like the U.S. as we have already stated. And, in Britain as well. Leading the charge into the Middle East and the invasion of Iraq were the U.S. and Britain, both strong centers of Zionism and their financial power. So, there just might be a connection here and something that would ultimately lead us to a greater understanding of this Israeli problem and its origins. Israel continues to be supported by those forces outside of the region. And, maybe that is part of where its confidence comes from; it knows that it can rely on this support. Israeli prime ministers have even publicly stated that they ' control ' America and have the politicians on their side. Surely, that implies power. Israel, as we should now beging to realize, cannot accomplish anything as a small state operating independently. Its identity and its power are derived from outside sources as we have just stated. And, its enemies know these things. So, I believe this to be the real problem in the Middle East and in Israel in particular. Israel seems intransigent in its policy toward its neighbours and particularly the Palestinians. They do not have to treat the Palestinians fairly if they do not want to because nobody is going to make them do so. They have that much power. The nation continues to build settlements upon Palestinian lands knowing how this upsets the locals and makes them even more angry than they are now. And, this reveals in no uncertain terms the power of the nation of Israel. That it continues to treat the Palestinians with little or no regard is certainly telling. Even the current president of the United States has little influence in the matter. He has spoken out about the issue, but what has happened that would further peace in the region? But, shouldn't we be now asking ourselves the question: can Israel continue to conduct itself in its over-zealous manner knowing what the ultimate effect of its actions will be? The point of the whole thing, however, is that Israel does not care what others think. It might just be that arrogant - rather like the guy with the girlfriend who conducts her business knowing that her big boyfriend will rescue her if she gets into trouble. When Israel gets into trouble what does it do? Well not only does it count on its heavyweight friends for support, it employs the old tools that it always uses - the tools of anti-Semitism and the Holocaust. Using these weapons only indicates the arrogance of the State as I have just described it and the world is becoming wiser every day and with each new conflict that involves the state and its neighbours.
So, that in a nutshell friends is the problem with Israel. It has too much power in relation to its neighbours; this power being its huge military apparatus and the use of the United States military and armaments if need be. A small state with these kinds of resources have caused some to say that the State just might need an attitude adjustment and bring it down to earth. Professor Norman Finkelstein, for example, has termed Israel " A Crazy State " on account of its actions after its gains during the 1967 War. I am sure many of you are already aware of many of these ideas if you have taken time to study the issue.
Does Israel have a right to exist? Well, that depends on who you talk to of course. There is much in its history that would indicate that it doesn't have much right at all to hold the status of nationhood the way it conducts its business vis a vis its neighbours. For example, it simply comes across as a state not interested in peace at all, and it appears to have expansionist aspirations. It certainly gains from the elimination of Saddam Hussein and the destruction of Iraq. Certainly many friends and supporters of the State would have encouraged that invasion in 2003. And, it openly calls for the invasion of Iran as well. And, settlements expansion is another glaring example of Israeli policy as you can imagine. Nobody can stop these settlements, or so it would seem. So, by might and rhetoric alone, Israel does a have a right to exist. All states have a right to exist if they can defend themselves from one and all and if there is no effective opposition to its goals. And, who is going to stop Israel from existing if it has such a vast military and the support billions of dollars annually from the likes of the United States? No state seems to want to stop Israel from pursuing its military ambitions and operations and there is no substantial criticism levelled against it when it does engage in hostilities. It engages in instantaneous propaganda and political warfare when it is challenged. The United States is a strong ally and continues to be. Israel has a right to exist and to defend itself because it has proven its ability to fight off its enemies in more ways than one. Surely, the State has a right to exist under these conditions.
But, there is a much greater issue here friends. And, that is the notion of justice. We know that Israel is powerful and it has influential friends who will stand by and protect the nation if it is attacked. These friends will even stand by if Israel engages in obvious expansionism as well. Remember, it is not aggression according to Israel, it is defence. Well, defence or not that is not quite how the rest of the world views things when the power of Israel is unleashed upon its neighbours. The onus is on Israel to prove that it is a responsible state acting among a sea of non-equals - there is no other way around it - if Israel wants to be accepted by more of the world and confirm its right to exist and to be accepted as a legal political entity by all concerned. If Israel wants to succeed as a nation then it must take time out and examine what it is doing; in relation to its power and how it utilizes that power against its enemies. It needs to show the world that it can act as a responsible world citizen. And, there is no better way to do that than to treat those with lesser power as one's equals - even if it hurts and bruises your ego and puts a dent in one's ambitions. There is no other way to achieve peace in the region until Israel and its backers decide it is time for peace. It is that simple. And, that is the problem - and the challenge - for Israel as I see it.
Related articles about Israel and its past and its future:
above added on October 26, 2010
Here is an article about Zionism and its de-stabilizing effects in the Middle East Region. The article, in fact, is talking about a book entitled: Israeli Exceptionalism – The Destabilizing Logic of Zionism
This is an interesting review and it highlights what Zionism is, namely, a form of 19th Century nationalism for the Jews of the world. The Jews never had a homeland to work with so they had to find and create one. Israel was the choice for the Zionists. So, once the territory was selected for the Jews all they had to do was to expel the Palestinians from their homeland. And, that was when all of the trouble started of course. Zionism is also a colonial project that is in perpetual motion in the Middle East Region. There are conflicts associated with the colonial project and the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians is only one of the side effects of the Zionist expansion into the Middle East. War and continuing war is the other. For Israel and the Zionists to achieve their objectives they require the de-stablization of the Arab world and the support of the United States. In fact, they went out of their way to make that support happen. They wanted to prove to the U.S. that their were their best asset in the region. With Israeli help the U. S. could achieve its own goals in the region, namely securing the oil fields and keeping other competitors out of the Region. The Zionists are also interested in regional hegemony for themselves and that is why Israel is in constant conflict with its neighbours and it also explains things like why the invasion and destruction of Iraq had to happen at all.
Here is the link to the article:
Above added on June 27, 2010
Here is a fine article by Roger Tucker discussing the issue of the one state solution:
above added on June 18, 2010
Zionism the Real Enemy of the Jews by Allan Hart. Zionism is identified here by Hart as " Jewish Nationalism ". Its theme is that the rest of the world is against the Jews and any future Holocaust must be confronted - the Jews are alone in the front and must be afraid.
Some of the topics are the 1948 and 1967 Wars and ideas about ' Greater Israel '. Also discussed is the attack on the USS Liberty and the Israeli rationale for the attack - they wanted to steal Syrian and Jordanian territory. Other topics include 9/11 and the elimination of Iraq and Iran as threats to the Jewish state. At the end of the interview Mr. Hart predicts the final ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians by the Zionists, unlike Professor Mearsheimer, who thinks that Israel will include Palestinians. See article below.
Above added on June 11, 2010.
"The Future of Palestine: Righteous Jews vs. the New Afrikaners"By Professor John J. Mearsheimer
In this article ( video and transcript ) Professor Mearsheimer discusses the future of Israel and its relationship with the Palestinians. He thinks that there will be no two state solution, but rather, a Greater Israel that will become an apartheid state. Israel, by its actions is simply not interested in the two state solution anyway. It will either have to vanquish the Palestinians, expel them or simply control them. He believes that apartheid is inevitable, but that eventually, this will lead to a democracy, with Palestinians forming part of the political mix. You can watch the video and follow the transcript simulaneously below:
You might also be interested in the views of Professor Norman Finkelstein as well. Here is an audio and transcript concerning Israel and the 1967 War. He mimicks the same themes as Professor Mearsheimer regarding the ambitions of the Israelis and how they would treat the Palestinians if they had a choice. Greater Israel is the aim. The point is we don't what it is going to look like, but we do know that the Palestinians remain the obstacle of Israeli ambitions in the region.
Updated on Tuesday May 4, 2010

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Does the U.S. have the right to rule the world?

.Does the U.S. have the right to rule the world?


.by Carl Baydala


An honest question don't you think friends? Honest in the sense that we are asking a question about something that actually exists. That is to say that if you examine the current political and economic makeup of the world the U.S. maintains a central and strategic role. In fact, de facto, the U.S. is the ruler of the world - right now. I don't believe there is any other explanation for the current content of U.S. foreign policy, for example.

I don't think there is any question about it. I mean, if you look at U.S. foreign policy over the last few decades this is precisely what the U.S. is up to. It wants to control the world; all of its resources and all of its peoples. So, the only questions that remain are: does it have a right to do so and should we stand by and let it happen?

Well, in the first instance it does have a right to control the world if it has the will and the ability to execute its plans. I am sure that everyone is aware of the concept that might is right. What this idea means simply is that if you have the brute power to overcome and conquer your enemies by whatever means available to you then who is going to stop you? The U.S. is the only remaining Superpower in the world since the demise of the Soviet Union sometime ago - that competing empire simply collapsed during the Reagan Administration if you recall. The American Empire now has no competition and maintains a large system of military bases around to world to control and maintain its global ambitions.

The recent foray into the Middle East is no accident. If you believe in military dominance and ambition then you must realize that the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and ' beyond ' were simply meant to happen. They are the logical consequence of an empire wanting to expand its influence and control. With the collapse of the Soviet Union a large gaping hole was left open in the oil rich regions of the the Middle East and Central Asia. Now, the U.S. being a militaristic and ambitious nation was not about to let this opportunity get away - and it did not.

We are now aware of things like Neocons and their ambitious schemes to rule the world by full military presence. We have heard of concepts like ' Full Spectrum Dominance ' and ' The Project for the New American Century '. Not only are these concepts and ideas of military global aspirants, but they have now become real things. The U.S. engages now in war as a full-time occupation. The Military Industrial Complex and its spokesmen can easily acquire the necessary billions of dollars from subservient presidents and willing members of Congress. The money comes more easily now, especially with the advent of 9/11 and the so-called ' War on Terror. "

Like many, I have often wondered if 9/11 was a planned event, something conjured up by the Neocons themselves or by some other ' inside ' group of individuals who might prosper as a consequence of the attack. It would certainly explain a lot about American foreign policy if the attack was planned from within, or even capitalized upon by just ' Letting it Happen. ' We do not really know who did 9/11 to this very day. Could 19 Muslim hijackers, with very little aviation skills or planning and coordinating abilities pull it off? The evidence seems to go against the idea, especially when you consider the number of things that had to go right to make it happen. And, then there is all of the curious data that has emerged since the event itself. Some have even suggested that Coincidence Theory reigns over Conspiracy Theory for getting to the bottom of the event and supplying an adequate explanation. There are simply too many questions related to this event to allow anyone to make any kind of definitive opinion on the issue, but many are valiantly trying to do just that. And, the problems that do emerge from any enquiry only add more fuel to the fire, and in fact, suggest foul play. And, this foul play, whatever its origins and intentions has most definitely benefited a certain group of individuals. And, those individuals most particularly, are those engaged in the business of war and in world domination. So, whether 9/11 was mere opportunity or something contrived to satisfy a result becomes less of an issue when you consider the great benefits to those who prosper from war and want to control other regions of the world and destroy enemies and the enemies of their friends. 9/11 did the trick and a good opportunist is not going to stand by and let an opportunity go by the wayside. And, maybe this fact alone should allow the Neocons and their militaristic friends to control the reins of world government and all of the economic power that it entails.

The U.S is not only a vast military power but it has other means at its disposal as well. I have already mentioned how easy it is to acquire money for war. Presidents and members of Congress do not seem to bother with notions that war is bad or that the U.S. should not be a global power. They are all on board and believe in the idea of Empire. The bankers who gain from war are not going to argue about the issue and will simply create more money should the need arise. And, there are also those who gain from the current economic setup as well. Globalization has brought nations like China, Japan, and the other Asian manufacturers on board. They are the buyers of the U.S. debt that must be purchased for the Empire to continue on as it does. And, the game does continue, albeit somewhat unwillingly at times. But, continue it must. The recent financial crisis, for example, has brought to light just how powerful the Empire has become as well. The Empire, and its allies the bankers, caused a great deal of stress for the world to contend with, but with little dismantling of the Empire at all. Recessions and depressions can be managed. Lest we forget that that the bankers are the people who handle the multitude of transactions based on the U.S. dollar, the world's reserve currency. It is the job of the bankers, and the central bankers, to keep this dollar as strong as possible. Economic integration and war are means by which control is maintained. Success in war and punishing detractor states is an indication of Empire strength. And, it is all in aid of course for dollar dominance and total economic control. For, when the dollar itself collapses then the very idea of Empire and global dominance is put into jeopardy. U.S. politics and military ambitions mean that the militarists and the bankers must work together to keep the system afloat. They have to do whatever they can to prove to the world that the banking system is viable, that the dollar is strong, and that the U.S. Empire can continue to do what it wants to do. If foreign nations continue to buy U.S. debt then that is all of the proof that you will ever need to the game will continue and that the U.S. and its allies will continue to rule the world.

Another player that helps the U.S. Empire maintain its dominance is the controlled media. You will never hear a bad word about war from this part of the system. They are totally on board and will do whatever they can to portray the idea that whatever the U.S. military and government does is for the benefit of the people and nation of the U.S. The fact that the middle classes are going backwards and losing their jobs and their futures means little or nothing when you are fighting a War on Terrorism. The debt, now increasing by the trillions is a necessary cost of doing business. It is the job of the media to sell this idea as well as others, such as the bank bailouts, for example. Supposedly, the bank bailouts were executed to save the nation from financial Armageddon and to preserve the financial system as we know it. That is what the bankers and the politicians who work for them want us to believe. It is the job of the media to keep the game going and they are doing a very admirable job indeed. Either through censorship or biased reporting they get the job done. They are simply part of the propaganda team. The only detractors of course seem to be the players on the internet and in the alternative media. But, what concern are they when they have already elected a government that is totally beholding to the idea of Empire and the prosecution of war. They matter not - for the moment.

I am trying to paint a picture for you friends that aids the idea that the U.S. does really have a right to be the only Superpower in the world. They have earned that right, by their actions and by their ability to keep the system moving in their direction, by wealth and by stealth. They have devised an economic system that works for them. If other countries want to prosper then they must continue to play the game. They must continue to buy U.S. debt and they must not get overly troubled by overt and covert imperialism. There must be some kind of a payoff to all to adhere to the system. If the controllers of government can devise methods whereby they get people elected who will do what they want then who is to say that the globalists should not be leading a government of the world? Certainly no U.S. citizen that is for sure. If they are going to keep on voting for people who conduct war as a way of life and who believe in global dominance then isn't the electorate getting what they deserve and want? I am not not hearing any great clamoring from the masses that something is wrong and that they want dramatic change and end to world dominance and the current structure of things. Are you hearing such things coming from the media? Shouldn't they be the voices of discontent if they sense that something is amiss? Shouldn't they be on the lookout for the welfare of the public? Isn't that one of their primary functions and the reason why we allow them to stay in business? One would think so now wouldn't one? But, what do we have instead? Why, we have a completely complicit and non-productive media apparatus; it serves interests other than public ones. Well, isn't that the point of the whole thing friends? That the voices of those who are against the system as we have come to know it are like farts in the wind? What does the system care about those with no power? It cares not, nor should it care. The people get what they deserve. It has always been like that and forever shall be into the future. I trust, that, in a round about way, I have answered my opening questions for you

Related material for your consideration:

Hegemony or Survival - America's quest for global dominance, by Noam Chomsky

above added on August 31, 2011

Discussion on Egyptian Revolution, Middle East politics and U.S. imperialism:

The Ugly Truth: February 1, 2011

Friends, here is a great set of videos by John Perkins. You may remember him from the " Confesssions of an eonomic hit man " fame. Well, here he is again detailing for us the role of the " Corporatocracy " in the fulfillment of U.S. imperialism throughout the globe. Somebody has to do the job right? Well, if it isn't big gobs of payoff money  or the jackals, then it is the US military that does the job of controlling the countries of the world. At any rate, the U.S. is still in charge of the world and these following three videos and Mr. John Perkins will explain why:

The role of the corporatocracy in the fulfillment of U.S. imperialism.
above added on January 25, 2011