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Monday, September 22, 2008

The Hidden Story of Jesus
The following video is about Jesus Christ other famous religious figures. For those who think that the story of Jesus was an original idea, this film may cause you to have some doubt about that. I certainly am not sold on the Jesus concept, or even Christianity - or even traditional forms of religion. To me, the whole thing is mythology, and the sooner we free ourselves from this kind of religion the happier all of us will be. That being said, however, there is a greater story being told here as well, I think, and that is that love and understanding are important things which reveal themselves as main themes in organized religions. Organized religions such as Christianity and others are only portraying ideals which all men subscribe to, and I believe that they are only capitalizing on them. In this film you will learn the following things:
800 years before the birth of Christ lived the Indian Hindu god Krishna. The story surrounding the child Krishna is very similar to that of Jesus Christ. Krishna performed miracles just like Jesus. To a Hindu, Jesus is the same thing as Krishna, he is an incarnation of God. Krishna even sounds like Christ. To the Hindu Jesus represents purity, the infinite, and eternal. Hindus accept Jesus, but Christians remain intolerant toward the idea of Krishna. The story of Jesus Christ is not unique in history, however.
Another Indian religious figure who performed miracles, started his ministry at 30, and walked on water, was Buddha. He questioned religious authorities and spoke in parables. Jesus taught the way and the life, as did Buddha. Buddha knew of the great suffering of mankind and he contemplated this condition. His answer was for all men to search for happiness as did Jesus, as this is the preferred state of man. This is my personal philosophy as well, so I know of what the man was searching for. According to Buddha man could reach enlightment by being moral and seeking wisdom, similar to following the ways of Jesus and entering the Kingdom of Heaven. In this film you will learn of the numerous similarities between Buddhism and Christianity.
My immediate reaction to this video and its relation to Christianity is that religion is something that appeals to the human emotions, and this is why stories about babies being born to virgins in desperate situations makes good script; it is a good story.
Summary in progress...

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